Thanks for taking a camera. The camera is a sealed unit containing light sensitive paper; please do not open it as that will prematurely expose the paper. The following are a few tips to bear in mind when setting your camera in position.
The camera will record the track of the sun, so pointing it East or West will record sunrises and sunsets. If you point it due South, you will need to tilt slightly in order to capture the full height of the sun. The pinhole will be identified by an arrow on the tin. Ensure that the pinhole is facing in the direction of the scene that you want to record.
The camera needs to be held in a constant position. Attach the camera to any stable fixture, so that neither the camera nor the fixture can move. Electrical tape or silage tape is ideal for this purpose.
On June 21 (or as near as) completely remove the strip of tape identified by the red electrical tape tag to begin the exposure. Once the camera is fixed and the tape is removed, you can leave it untouched until the end of the exposure period on December 21st 2009. At the end of this time, before removing the camera from its fixed position, cover the pinhole with some opaque tape (black electrical tape will do) and return it to us by post; to Lios na Si, Church Strand, Baltimore, Co.Cork, Ireland (this address can be found on the blog).
Please take a photo of the camera in situ and a photo of the facing landscape. You can upload these images to the blog by sending an email with images attached to this email address. Let us know which camera you have by the unique number stuck to the body so that way we can compare it with the final solargraph. We would love to know where the camera is. You can find the latitude and longitude at this website, or else just give us the address. We would also love to know a little about you, what is your link to Sherkin?
Thanks for being part of our Cosmopolitan Cosmology
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