A Cosmopolitan Cosmology

This is a collaborative arts project based on Sherkin Island, West Cork, Ireland.
From June 21 2009 - December 21 2009 we used pinhole cameras to record solargraph images on the islands of Roaring Water Bay and its environs. Cameras were distributed among the Sherkin Diaspora reaching far and wide. This blog documents the process and solargraphs created. For current work please see my website

some solargraphs

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sherkin Community Hall June 17

From June 17

I took advantage of the late ferry this evening and travelled into Sherkin to the community hall. I wanted to ensure that each camera destined for the inhabited Islands of Ireland, Scotland and Finland had an instruction leaflet attached.

SIDS says they will be dispatched tomorrow so hopefully they will reach their destination within a day or two the solstice on Sunday.

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